BurningAngel: Draven Fitting Room


I think I might like the Destro Damus pics of Draven better than these, because they are a bit more glamor and a bit more hardcore, but I’m still all excited to see a new Draven update. From her perfect hot pink manicure to her bedroom eyes, Draven is just hotness on heels. In this BurningAngel fitting room shoot, Draven looks at least as perfect as her mannequin costars.

burningangel draven fitting room
Burning Angel writes:

Draven JUST left my house. She was here for most of the month! It was fun. I miss you already Draven! I thought that she missed me too, but apparently…she does not. I was totally replaced by a mannequin! You mannequin, you; you better treat Draven well or it’s on baby – IT’S ON!
girl: Draven photographer: Alan pics: 93

burningangel draven fitting room

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