BareMaidens: A Proud Sea Dragon


In ancient Greek, Ophis means snake, and brunette model Ophia is aptly named, showing the pride and arrogance of the slender sea dragon that decorates her back.

Wearing her hair like a horned crown, Ophia is dressed only of her own arrogance, walking among the marble pillars of an ancient temple like a goddess we had the foolishness to forget. You can see by the fire in her eyes she dares us to go back and atone for this slight, at least with our eyes, and lose ourselves in the majestic curves of this incredible model.

This set is a wonderful example of how it is not necessary to “dress up” the model to achieve a certain feeling. This feels “Ancient Greek-ish”, even if the model is not wearing anything and there’s little in terms of scene around here. All the feeling is given by the details, the atmosphere and the talent of the model.

Bare Maidens writes:

Bare Maidens is an online community focused on the creation of epic fantasy themed content for adults. We are fiction fans, lovers of beauty, art, cinematography, photography, sex, swords, and sorcery.

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