Okay, who doesn’t love a little rope play? Like, really even if you don’t like being tied up (or tying someone up) there is just something about robe bondage that is, in a way, beautiful- don’t you think? Or is it just this gorgeous girl Rope Baby that makes me think beautiful. Let’s be honest here, that is very possible. Between the cute girl getting tied up, and the fishnet stockings, I’m not sure what else you could ask for! I mean, other than a super hot guy, which reminds me… I’d like to take a super quick second to also give a shout out to the hot guy in this shoot- because damn, boy is cute.

Rope Baby
Eye color: brown
Hair color: brown
Dates: Dec. 8 – SEX TAPE: Rope Baby, Jan. 19 – Ropebaby Behind The Scenes!