2021 AltPorn Awards Nominations!

The 2021 AltPorn Awards Nominations are Now Closed!

These nominations are for recognizing work specifically produced during 2020. And, as we all know, 2020 was a CRAZY year, so we think it’s extra important to shine a light on all the fantastic people, products, and media created under such extraordinary pressures and circumstances. The 2020 AltPorn Awards were our first virtual edition and despite the challenging adjustments, we are so happy to have had such a successful event online, with so many awesome people from all over the world involved, participating in our interactive red carpet, as well as the super friendly and fun (and active!) live chat stream during the awards presentation. This year, we are prepared to host our awards at our usual time of year, virtually or hybrid virtual and live, depending on what is determined to be safe for our community.

Thank you for nominating all your favorite AltPorn sites, stars, cams, clip artists, videos, photo shoots, toys and more! Our Awards show always seeks to recognize really stand-out award-worthy creative work and creators. We do accept self nominations, because honestly, we know they are going to happen anyway, so why not be proud of your work.

You can check out all the AltPorn Awards news from past and present on AltPorn.Net

AltPorn Awards 2021