Enjoy An Evening With This Entrancing Elf, PieAllTheTime


There are tales of lore that describe the ethereal beauty of elven folk as being something that could rival the greatest beauty in the land of mortals.

And for all those that were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of this entrancing elf, those tales might need an update as they seem to be unable to do justice to the true beauty of this gorgeous gal with pointed ears.

As this fox of folklore took to inviting all of her mortal friends into her realm for a bit of kinky fun of mythical proportions, even the eye of Sauron couldn’t look away from the sexy spectacle unfolding in this little corner of the universe.

To catch a glimpse of the action unfolding now, head over to PieAllTheTime‘s room!Enjoy An Evening With This Entrancing Elf, PieAllTheTime Enjoy An Evening With This Entrancing Elf, PieAllTheTime Enjoy An Evening With This Entrancing Elf, PieAllTheTime Enjoy An Evening With This Entrancing Elf, PieAllTheTimeFrom PieAllTheTime‘s profile:

I’m a tiny, reclusive, Squid Kid with a love of Lewd. Cosplay. Coffee. Waifus.

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