It’s Bottoms Up With ElouisePlease


Is there a better way to spend the weekend than letting loose while enjoying some whiskey alongside a busty beauty in a top hat?

That was a trick question as there is not a better way to spend some time, if there is, I wouldn’t want to know about it.

So, to get in the spirit for the best holiday of the year, the always gorgeous ElouisePlease busted out some shots, a fancy hat for the occasion, and the perfect way to ride home after a few drinks to celebrate in sexy style.

As this lovely lass with a lovely ass got to enjoying some well earned celebratory shots, things only got all the hotter and all the more wild.

To celebrate the right way, head over to her room now.It's Bottoms Up With ElouisePlease It's Bottoms Up With ElouisePlease It's Bottoms Up With ElouisePlease It's Bottoms Up With ElouisePlease It's Bottoms Up With ElouisePleaseElouisePlease writes:

“I LOVE filming custom videos too, so let me know your naughtiest fantasies & I’ll turn them into a reality for you ;)”

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