LunaLamb Prepares For Fuck Machine Friday


There are lots of beautiful people in the world, but nobody quite like LunaLamb. This adorable babe is wearing some adorably floppy kitten ears tonight, but she’s also wearing a shirt with a brutal bunny in a pentagram, so you could say she’s a demonically cute kitten come to take your soul, except for the fact that you’re gonna give it up yourself when you get a look at LunaLamb. Also, it’s Fuck Machine Friday tonight, so…

This delicious hottie used to have lighter, whiter hair but now she’s rocking the gray which goes awesomely with the dark image she has going on tonight. If you’re seeing her for the first time you might think she’s always this dark but don’t be fooled – LunaLamb can be so innocent and so attractive on that note that she will easily become your favorite model. If you throw LunaLamb‘s name in the goblet of fire, it’ll respond with a flurry of pieces of paper with her name on it, because this cutie is absolutely magical.

LunaLamb Prepares For Fuck Machine Friday
Sexy Cam Girl writes:

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!

LunaLamb Prepares For Fuck Machine Friday
LunaLamb Prepares For Fuck Machine Friday

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