StaggStreet: A Small Forest Fire


I have a strong bias towards any kind of full outdoor nudity, in particular when it involves woods and forests. Apart from my own personal feels, I think that the light – as it scatters through branches and filters through leaves – creates a sense of roundness in the model that good photographers are able to catch.

In this specific set, however, there’s even an added component that makes it stand out. Beautiful model Le Petit Feu lies down in a small island along a forest stream. Islands are like worlds apart, no matter how small they can be: there is border to cross to enter them, and this alone is sufficient to set them apart on a subtle level that is often caught only by our subconscious.

Looking at this great Stagg Street set it’s hard not to get enthralled by this forest dryad.

StaggStreet: A Small Forest Fire
Stagg Street writes:

This set of Le Petit Feu is so magical. We found this tiny island in the middle of this tiny stream in the woods. It almost looks like I found Le Petit Feu living on this little island. Spring is in the air and all the wild life is coming out.

StaggStreet: A Small Forest Fire

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