Turnt Tuesday Odes to Kati3Kat


Kati3Kat has been sent poetry and now she is being peer pressures to read the ode to her aloud. So far, she has resisted. Kati3Kat is her usual this-one-goes-up-to-eleven high energy self. I don’t know how Kati3Kat manages to be so perky all the time. Maybe she totally hibernates when she is not online. I don’t know. She is having Turnt Tuesday today and says that a drunk-on-wine Kati3Kat is the best Kati3Kat. She recommends Manic Panic and says it is what she uses for her blue hair. It is free to register tonight before Kati3Kat‘s cum show, so you can watch and chat with her.

Turnt Tuesday Odes to Kati3Kat
Sexy Cam Girl writes:

Username: Kati3Kat
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Eyes: Green
Weight: 1000 pounds
Height: 63 inches
Age: 21
City: Fantasy Land
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Favorite Food: Pizza, sushi, burritos
Tags: blue hair, petite, mermaid, long hair, skinny, talkative

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