Passion of Covers Slave Leia, David Bowie Jabba Duet


VeronicaChaos says she really wants to get some karaoke tracks for Bauhaus songs because, as a good goth girl, she loves Bauhaus. VeronicaChaos could do a whole Passion of Covers on her own. At the moment, she and her ventriloquist dummy Slappy are singing David Bowie’s Under Pressure. They are substituting various Star Wars lyrics for the actual words to the song. It is probably obvious to you that VeronicaChaos is dressed as Slave Leia, Princess Leia after she is being held captive as a sex slave by Jabba the Hutt. It may be less obvious to you (but VeronicaChaos assures us this is the case) that Slappy is dressed as Jabba. Some have suggested that he looks more like a lumpy Gumby or a pickle, but he is definitely supposed to be a stand-in for the most famous intergalactic slaver in the Star Wars franchise. I would way rather watch VeronicaChaos sing gothic duets with a green-clad puppet than see the next Star Wars movie and we are in luck because that is just what we can see tonight.

Passion of Covers Slave Leia, David Bowie Jabba Duet
Sexy Cam Girl writes:

Username: VeronicaChaos
CamScore: 3682
Gender: Female
Body Type: Average
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Always Different
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 120 pounds
Height: 65 inches
Age: 25
City: Arkham
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Smoke: Light
Drink: Heavy
Drugs: Experimented
Occupation/Major: Ventriloquist/Clown
Favorite Food: Salmon
Pets: Meow
Automobile: I’m scared of cars.

Passion of Covers Slave Leia, David Bowie Jabba Duet

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