Corsetted Gothic Beauty RazorCandi with Oceanic Sex Toys


RazorCandi looks stunning in this ulrta-hot Gothic pin-up fantasy series and then takes in several steps farther when she introduces a few of her crazy nautical themed sex toys. She’s got both the ‘JellyFish’ and the ‘Tentacle’ from WhipSpider Rubberworks and she clearly knows how to use them. I love seeing the details of these super cool artisinal sex toys in her wet pink hairless pussy, especially since you can zoom in on the huge images to see close ups of the tentacle suckers sliding under her excited labia! Later in the set, RazorCandi takes off the corset and changes into a slinky black, barely there Goth girl dress with lots of huge holes in it, but I really particularly like her in the lacy pink corset, getting herself off with wild sex toys. RazorCandi never disappoints.

Corsetted Gothic Beauty RazorCandi with Oceanic Sex Toys
Razor Candi writes:

An improvised set showing off a few lovely lacey wish list items!


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