GeekGirlsOnline: Athena Hollow Pigtails and Cosplay


I am not familiar enough to hazard a guess on who Athena Hollow may be doing Cosplay as, the set is titled ‘Drac’ so maybe that’s a clue, or if she’s just dressed up cute on pink with pink striped pigtails all on her own, but I do like this recent update featured on GeekGirlsOnline. It has a real amateur appeal, with it’s unretouched intimate ‘real’ look and Athena looks really sexy as she twists her tiny body around on the couch to show off all her intimate details. I do wish there were a few more pictures towards the end though, since the series stops very shortly after she introduces her giant fancy black vibrator! I definitely wanted to see some more of that in action. But, Athena Hollow does look adorably fuckable in what is there for us to enjoy.

GeekGirlsOnline: Athena Hollow Pigtails and Cosplay
GeekGirlsOnline writes:

Athena Hollow
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Occupation: Webmaster, Web & Graphic Designer, Model, Professional Masturbator

Table Top/Pen and Paper RPG: BESM D20 (Too lazy to learn tristat) and D&D 3.5 (even though they nerfed my shield spell)
Video Game: Final Fantasy VII, Fallout 3, Left4Dead, City of Heroes/Villains
Anime: Bebop, Naruto, Saber Marionette, Popotan
Movie: Doom Generation, NoWhere, LoTR Trilogy, Jumper, Magnolia
Book: Lost Souls – Poppy Z. Brite
TV Show: Heroes, Family Guy, Simpsons, Spongebob (I know, uber dork), Scrubs, Samurai Pizza Cats
Quote: “I love you” can mean a lot of things like “you’ll do ’till someone better comes along,” or “I can’t describe how I really feel but I know that I’m supposed to say this,” or “Shut up, I’m watching TV.” – Jordan White “Doom Generation”

Computer Setup:
OS: WinXP Pro
Browser: Firefox FTW
Video Card: XFX GeForce 6200 512MB Ram
Ram: 1.12 gig
Processor: 3.2GHz Dual Core Intel P4 AlienWare
Bought or Built: Built like a mofo

Sexuality: I love the touch of both men and women.
Smoker?: Heavily, lately
Drinker?: When I’m in the mood.
Partier?: If I have the time 🙂 Or it’s my birthday

Mini Bio:
I’ve been involved in the AltPorn industry since I turned 18. I have worked for various sites such as EroticBPM, Blue Blood’s Barely Evil, The Dangerous Dolls, Spiceplay, the original Naughty Goth & City Kittie.

I’ve seen the many ups and downs of the industry and from that have taken a lot of wisdom and experience as well as some amazing mentors. My industry idols are Scott Owens, Amelia G & Forrest Black. One day, I hope to be as known as they are while keeping to my roots and beliefs as they have.

I have graduated from just modeling to being a site owner myself. I run GeekGirlsOnline as well as my own MissAthenaHollow.

I’m an open book. If you have a question, ask!

I’m a geek & gamer and pride myself on such things. I’m an xbox achievement whore. I love all things 8bit, as that is what I grew up on. From Mario to Sonic to Cloud Strife or Gordon Freeman, I have played so many games, I don’t even like to think of the hours spent. But, it’s been a great ride so far, and I think I’ll stick around these pixel parts some more!

GeekGirlsOnline: Athena Hollow Pigtails and Cosplay

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