GothicSluts: Sexy Flexible Goth Babe Alecia Joy


I really like Blue Blood’s eclectic collection of interesting girls with interesting and varied bodies and sense of style. I’m also really happy to see a new series of sexy Alecia Joy, showing off her flexibility skills in the morning light. This is her twelfth photo series on Blue Blood sites. She can do all sorts of tricks and looks so hot with her ankles bent up by her ears or standing on one foot with the other foot extended up over her head. She looks really hot in just her thrashed industrial boots too! You can tell those thoes have been to some cool parties and clubs with her. One thing is for sure, Alecia Joy works out a lot more than I do.

GothicSluts Flexible Goth Babe Alecia Joy
Blue Blood’s Gothic Sluts writes:

I tend to shoot with studio lighting, but the daylight streaming in this window looked so interesting on Alecia Joy‘s dancer’s body that Forrest Black and I went with natural found light for shooting this series. I like the way it plays over Alecia’s fabulous musculature and flexible contortions. Enjoy.
–Amelia G

GothicSluts Flexible Goth Babe Alecia Joy

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