OiTomboy: Memberships Support Pups


Hot AltPorn star and sexy APN member Cadence St. John is sticking up for her beloved puppies, donating all membership fees from her OiTomboy site for the month of April to the Bowman Canine Training and Rescue organization. Members get to enjoy some of the really hot content Cadence has been adding to her OiTomboy site, like the yummy recently posted sample attached below, all while helping persecuted hard luck doggies.

Personally, I confess that I have some conflicted opinions about sexy girls using their sites as tools to advocate for causes. On the one hand, many of their causes, like Bowman Canine Training and Rescue for example, can be good and the attention and support is much needed. I like knowing the girls I’m interested in actually believe in something and show a caring and giving side of themselves. But there is perhaps a small selfish part of me that doesn’t want to be thinking about abused puppies at all when I’m supposed to be enjoying something beautiful and sexual. In moderation it can be OK. Cadence genuinely cares for the cause, and that shows through. So, my unselfish view wins out if occasionally cute girls want to reflect their spotlight onto something I might otherwise not choose to give as much of my attention and maybe I should. So, help the doggies out and enjoy some sexy girls along the way. Cadence is a sexy cool girl so give OiTomboy a shot this month.

Cadence St. John writes:

Isn’t that the cutest doggy? Well, that’s what this post is about, puppies; pit bull puppies to be exact. I’m really fond of these amazing dogs, pit bulls and German Shepherds are my favorites. They have a bad rep and it’s sad considering that it’s people, not the dog that abuse them and train them for fighting. I’ve seen more pit bulls in the streets than any other breed, since I moved to LA. Beaten, left in the street after they have had a litter and killed for amusement. If you pay attention to the news, you know about these dogs and their rep but what pains me, is the fact that people don’t educate themselves, don’t dig deeper to find that these breeds of dog are just as beautiful, good and loyal as any other breed. So, what I’m doing is giving all new memberships on Oitomboy for the next month to Bowman’s Canine Training and Rescue. It’s Nikki Dodge‘s love and you can help these beautiful dogs by looking at porn! Win! But if you don’t like looking at porn with hot chicks doing naughty things (haha) but you love pit bulls, you can go here – Donate to Bowman’s Canine and donate straight to them. Help Nikki take care of these amazing dogs and have fun looking at my porno! Join Now!

Much love, C~

OiTomboy: Memberships Support Pups

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