Apneatic: Apnea Waterfall


I recently read an interview with Apnea where she explained her new approach for the media she puts on her Apneatic site. She explained that she no longer wants to just put up content for content’s sake. Instead, she wants to make sure every image is a keeper, worthy of being a stand alone portfolio piece. It means fewer images and more well produced conceptual videos. The results are pretty spectacular and I don’t think too many of her members miss 150 pictures of her just sitting in a chair, as she describes it. I think it’s great that she really embraces what should be good about creating this sort of work. It should be creative and done with care for concept and detail. She shared this piece along with a funny unrelated story about stealing cars with her old roommate in Houston. I have to say that I really like how she’s doing things. Check out Apnea‘s site for all sorts of good stuff.

Apneatic: Apnea Waterfall
Apnea writes:

While I’m awake and everyone else is in bed I also made an update to my site by my boy Dave Dawson. Check it out maaannneee…

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