Nerdpr0n: Leeloo Dallas!


Just a bit more sexy costume fun from Anna’s Nerdpr0n site. This is the kind of outfit I like to see cute girls wearing at costume parties, because by the end of the night, you know that thing is barely on at all. These playful sets from Anna are really adorable. I really enjoyed 5th Element but the lady behind me complained loudly through half the movie about ‘perfect woman my ass’ etcetera, and let’s just say this woman did not need that extra large tub of buttery popcorn goodness. But, back to more attractive items, I’d bob for apples with Anna Dallas anytime.

Nerdpr0n: Leeloo Dallas

Nerdpr0n writes:

This week’s shoot is up a few days early, ‘cuz cosplay month was so fun I wanted to squeeeeeze one last update in on Halloween. I saved the best for last…Leeloo Dallas from the 5th Element!

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