Nerdpr0n: What’s with all the stuff?


Don’t get me wrong, I know a number of people that are really into Anna and her Nerdpr0n site, but I do have to wonder a bit if the whole kitch consumerist store bought ‘nrrd’ chic trend isn’t at least a little bit offensive to the genuinely intellectually marginalized nerds of the world. It just seems like all the updates are focused around trendy accessories like ThinkGeek nerf projectile toys, Schrödinger’s cat pun shirts, ironic Hello Kitty merch, or…well, I don’t even know how argyle socks fit in there. It all just kind of comes across a bit shallow, particularly when she snipes at other ‘stereotypical’ girls. I guess my feeling is that if you can dish it out, you should be able to take it too. Just about all the friends I would consider nerds don’t have enough fashion sense to know which t-shirt makes them hip. They have other brilliant qualities I really admire. They are sexy exactly because of their refreshing near total lack of body consious fashion obsession.


Nerdpr0n writes:

1) A lot of porn sites have the stereotypical “girls with guns omgwtf!!” photo sets. Now, mind you, a girl with a steel gun can be a hot…but a girl with a nerf gun is hotter. Right? Right! So here I am with a few of my favorite lethal weapons. 😛

2) I can’t post this without a cheesy physics joke. “The Humane Society has placed up for adoption a lovable cat that was recently removed from the laboratory of a noted physicist. The animal was abused repeatedly, having been exposed to poisonous gas and also being placed in close proximity to radio activity. Cruel experiments like this can not be tolerated. The owner has been charged with numerous counts of animal cruelty. Dr. Schrodinger’s cat is recovering nicely, however.” (Cribbed from here.)

3) This tee is the snuggliest, bestest tee ever…it’s cute as hell and I love the way it feels on me. And off me! 😉 And the stockings…man! they’re fantastic! Hope you enjoy this set as much as I enjoyed making it!

4) I think the title of this set says it all: mmm, argyle! There’s nothing cuter than a girl in argyles and her undies, right? Unless it’s a girl in her undies frolicking on the stairs…

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