Featured Model: Hel Inferna


Hel Inferna FeatureBio
I’m just the ghoul-next-door, a terror-bly sweet little lady with a penchant for all things miserable. I love metal, whether it be blaring from speakers or gleaming as I use it to gut your abdomen. I’ve been hanging out naked all over the internet and in some galleries and magazines for a few years now, if you are interested in having me model just let me know.

Favorite photographers?
i’m not picking favorites 😛

Favorite fellow models?
Mykdru and Selena

Favorite publications/sites?

Where has your work been featured?



  • lollipop magazine
  • deek magazine
  • NME

Contact info

Hel Inferna
PO Box 59114
Pittsburgh PA, 15210

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Photography by (from L to R) Michael FB, Melvin Moten Jr., Ethan Long

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